September 23, 2006
Hi Kids,
One of my responsibilities from time to time is to lead and preach at funeral services. Recently, I was fulfilling that pastoral task, and there were approximately 40 people in attendance, including two delightful and energetic children who looked to be about 2 years old each. As I stood at the podium and began the service by reading Scripture, these two dear kids began yelling loudly and running around the funeral home without reserve...
What was I going to do? I barely knew the family, I never knew the person who had died, so what could I do? I just read louder! (typical Baptist pastor, eh?) Eventually, one of the kids was directly underneath me in the podium from which I spoke! It was chaos, my mind was racing, and not a single adult was doing anything about the rambunxious children. Of course, these kids were simply doing what they had been trained (or, not trained) to do, so I was not at all frustrated with the kids.
Finally, after a family member gave something like a eulogy, I stood again to preach a brief sermon... The kids were still be-bopping around winning the ears of the listeners, and I tried in the brief message to show from the Gospel According to Mark how Mark is revealing the identity of Jesus Christ as the Son of God and promised Messiah and Lord of lords in chapters 1-8, and therefore since He is Lord (especially declared by His resurrection, Mark 16:6), we should do at least these two things: (1) God's people should cast themselves upon the Lord Jesus Christ, who loves and strengthens those He died to save. And (2) We should obey the command of the Lord Christ in Mark 1:15, "Repent and believe in the Gospel." Since He is Lord, what He says is not optional.
Through the first 75% of the message, the two little darlings were screaming and running, running and screaming... But then something happened as I got to the second implication of Christ's Lordship--the place went silent! There was no distraction as I shared with the grieving people about our consistent rebellion against God our Maker in words, actions, and motives, and about our need to turn from our sin and trust in Christ, the One and only Savior who died as a substitute for sinners, bearing God's wrath for all who will ever count the cost, forsake their sin, and rely upon Christ alone for salvation.
Why did the kids stop yelling? Well, a correct answer to that is, "They closed their mouths and stopped using their vocal chords." Yes, that is true, but that is not the only answer: Ultimately, the children stopped yelling because God was gracious to those in attendance at the funeral to allow them, perhaps for the first time in their lives, to hear the Gospel (John 3:27). God is sovereign over the actions of men (Proverbs 16:33), even two-year olds. "For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen" (Romans 11:36). May God now open the hearts of the unbelievers that were at that funeral and grant them faith to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
I pray this letter finds you trusting in Christ, and I hope it brings a smile to your face.
The Lord Reigns,