Monday, December 31, 2007

The Dying Country Church

December 31, 2007

Dear Katie and Luke:

Yesterday I had the privilege of preaching in a little country church about 30 minutes away from Parkville. I noticed on the "attendance board" that the previous Sunday they had 23 people in attendance, but I already knew it would be a small group because I'm guessing the sanctuary could only hold about 70 people shoulder to shoulder. By the time the service started, I think they probably equaled the previous week's attendance. I came away from that church reminded again of how good God was to give me those years at a "traditional" Southern Baptist church in Ohio. Now, when I go fill in for similar churches, I think I am much better prepared to understand their struggles and encourage them.

I do wonder, though, what might happen to churches like these. This is no exaggeration: The average age in attendance had to be about 68. There was not a young family in sight. The people were very warm toward me and several seemed very engaged in the preaching even as I spent about half of the sermon speaking about the sinfulness of man and the wrath of God. But what's going to happen to a church like this, a church that is struggling mightily to get a pastor, a church full of people who may not live much longer? Perhaps that local church, which dates back to Civil War days, will simply fade away and ultimately close its doors?

When I go into churches like this one, I find myself attached to the people very quickly. I want them to succeed, yet I sense apathy among many of the people in attendance, and I hurt for their souls. Many probably think they are saved because at some point in their lives they responded to a call to come to the front at the end of a sermon "to pray to receive Jesus," actions that are nowhere taught in Scripture and which have given thousands and thousands false assurance of salvation. I sense that the true believers really, really long for something authentic and eternal. They yearn for the powerful, Spirit-annointed preaching of the Bible. They desire someone to unashamedly preach the gospel, call people to repent and believe in Christ, and leave the man-made methods in the past. For these believers, I ache as well because many have endured years and years of preaching that is not really biblical and ultimately fails to proclaim the good news, they have sat through too many church "business" meetings that resulted in hurt feelings and unseemly splits, and they've been led by sheperds that failed miserably to protect the sheep from not only cultural darkness, but wolves sitting next to them in their favorite pew.

What do I do when I'm invited to these churches? I do what I know is their only hope: I preach the word to them, and specifically the Christ Scripture proclaims. The conversion of the lost is dependent upon "the living and enduring word of God" (1 Peter 1:23), and the quickest way I can show the believers in these churches that I love them and desire their best is to preach to them the Bible (see 2 Timothy 3:16-17). A firm handshake, a friendly smile, a listening ear, and a hug or two are all very important, but ultimately they need the Bible explained and applied to their hearts. And sometimes, like yesterday, a few people will stick around after the service to talk more about what God has to say to them and their church. Those are sweet times with dear people. I'm praying God will be pleased to bless what happened yesterday, and I'm praying that their next regular preacher will preach not himself, "but Christ Jesus as Lord" (2 Cor. 4:6). That is their only hope.

For Your Joy,

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Days Before Thanksgiving

November 21, 2007

Dear Katie and Luke:

Two weekends ago I taught in a church in Las Vegas--Grace Reformed Church. On the way there, I had to change planes in Salt Lake City, and the snow-capped mountains were a joy to see. I actually got back quite late on Sunday evening because my plane out of Denver was delayed two hours (that was my layover on the way home) and then my baggage didn't come for another hour! I was happy to see you both resting peacefully, even though you were each sick. Grandpa and Grandma Noble came up from Texas to visit for the weekend, and I'm sure that made you feel better sooner.

I wrote a "bulletin insert" last week on the relationship between the divinity and humanity of Jesus. It's slated to go online in December.

This past Sunday we had a meeting of the entire church at the Heartland, and I preached, so I spent some time last week getting that sermon on Mark 4:26-29 ready. We had a large group of people there--we even had to add a couple of rows of chairs and I think we used all of the tables available for the meal.

Monday night we flew to Ohio for Thanksgiving. We didn't get into Columbus until 2:30 am. Our plane was delayed an hour in Kansas City (yes, that means we were scheduled to arrive at 1:30 am, but the tickets were only $10 on Skybus airlines!).

Yesterday, Aunt Vicki gave birth to Jordan Alexander! We will be headed to the Schaffner's on Friday, and we are all looking forward to seeing baby Jordan. Many prayers were prayed on his behalf (and his mother's) because of the complications with the birth of Kaleb.

Today we had some of Grandma Burchett's famous cinnamon cake for breakfast, and then after lunch we went to Marion for various reasons. I've decided that I'm already sick of the Christmas traffic, and we haven't even gotten through Thanksgiving!

Luke, you just handed me a "note" that says (in three year-old symbols) "I love you Daddy." I love you too, buddy. And Katie, I love you. You are both huge reasons that I am grateful to God this Thanksgiving.


Thursday, October 11, 2007

From Jonah to Particular Redemption

October 11, 2007

Dear Katie and Luke:

In preparation for the upcoming sermon series I'm preaching, we've begun reading through Jonah during family worship. God told Jonah to go to Nineveh and preach a message of judgment--for fun we point out our dining room window to indicate the direction of that city. But we have learned that Jonah went the opposite direction seeking to escape the presence of God--we point the opposite direction to indicate where Jonah first tried to go.

Tonight we discussed how Jonah teaches that God's purpose to save a people for Himself cannot be thwarted by His disobedient children. This, of course, is not to deny that God uses means (like the preaching of the Word) in the salvation of His people, but to say that a rebellious prophet (or church) cannot thwart God's design to save a people "from every tribe and tongue and people and nation" (Revelation 5:9). We went on to talk about Matthew 1:21, which says "She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins." He will save them.

I then mentioned to you how Christ did indeed die for His people on the cross, accomplishing their redemption (applied at the instant they put their faith in Him), and then I asked, "For Whom did Jesus die?" Katie, your answer proves that even little children can learn theology because you said, "Believers." "Yes, that's right!" I exclaimed. "He didn't die for everybody, or everybody would be saved! If He died for everybody, then it would be unjust for anybody to suffer an eternity in Hell. You are right, Katie, He died for believers, He died for those who will believe in Him, He died for the church, the chosen, the elect. " Ephesians 5:25, "Christ...loved the church and gave Himself up for her."

I'm sure some people might think it's wrong to teach such things to children, but I want you to have an accurate picture of God, not an image of God from the minds of men. I want you to know about the One true God whose purposes of grace cannot be thwarted. I want you to know about the holy and just God who has every right to send every single one of us to an eternal Hell, but Who is abundantly merciful in electing and calling and justifying and sanctifying and glorifying even one of us. I want you to know the whole story about God who "so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life" (John 3:16). I want you to know the God of the Bible.

So may the sovereign grace of God be upon you. And I plead with you, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved!

For God's Glory,

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Anne Bradstreet's House Burned Down

September 11, 2007

Dear Katie and Luke:

The house of Anne Bradstreet burned down on July 18, 1666. She was 54, and she wrote a poem that I thought you might find helpful some day if you are ever faced with a similar tragedy. The language is a bit challenging, but if you read it through to the end, I think you will be blessed.

“Some Verses Upon the Burning of Our House”

In silent night when rest I took,
For sorrow neer I did not look,
I waken’d was with thundring noise
And Piteous shreiks of dreadfull voice.
That fearfull sound of fire and fire,
Let no man know is my Desire.
I, starting up, the light did spye,
And to my God my heart did cry
To strengthen me in my Distresse
And not to leave me succourlesse [helpless].
Then coming out beheld a space,
The flame consume my dwelling place.
And, when I could no longer look,
I blest his Name that gave and took,
That layd my goods now in the dust:
Yea so it was, and so ’twas just.
It was his own: it was not mine;
Far be it that I should repine [complain].
He might of All justly bereft,
But yet sufficient for us left.
When by the Ruines oft I past,
My sorrowing eyes aside did cast,
And here and there the places spye
Where oft I sate, and long did lye.
Here stood that Trunk, and there that chest;
There lay that store I counted best:
My pleasant things in ashes lye,
And them behold no more shall I.
Under thy roof no guest shall sitt,
Nor at thy Table eat a bitt.
No pleasant tale shall ‘ere be told,
Nor things recounted done of old.
No Candle ‘ere shall shine in Thee,
Nor bridegroom’s voice ere heard shall bee.
In silence ever shalt thou lye;Adeiu, Adeiu; All’s vanity.
Then streight I gin my heart to chide,
And did thy wealth on earth abide?
Didst fix thy hope on mouldring dust,
The arm of flesh didst make thy trust?
Raise up thy thoughts above the skye
That dunghill mists away may flie.
Thou hast an house on high erect,
Fram’d by that mighty Architect,
With glory richly furnished,
Stands permanent though: this bee fled.
It’s purchased, and paid for too
By him who hath enough to doe.
A Prise so vast as is unknown,
Yet, by his Gift, is made thine own.
Ther’s wealth enough, I need no more;
Farewell my Pelf [money], farewell my Store.
The world no longer let me Love,
My hope and Treasure lyes Above.
[From The Puritans: A Sourcebook of Their Writings, by Perry Miller, pp. 577-9]
For Your Joy,

Friday, August 31, 2007

Where Are You, Daddy?

August 31, 2007

Dear Katie and Luke:

How can it already be the end of August? It's been over a month since I wrote you!

I had the privilege of traveling a couple of times this month, first to Oklahoma City, and then to a couple of churches north of Little Rock, Arkansas. I've already noticed on these trips that I really don't spend much time observing the different cultures and geography, but most of the time is spent engaging the people. I love to hear about their stories, their churches, their families, what God is doing in and through them. Yes, there is an occasional trip to see a historic site (like the Oklahoma City bombing memorial), but the highlight of the trips has been the people.

I think this is the right balance. It seemed to be the Apostle Paul's. I can't recall Paul writing to a church and talking about the beauty of the land where the church exists, but we do hear him say to the Thessalonians, "Now may our God and Father Himself and Jesus our Lord direct our way to you; and may the Lord cause you to increase and abound in love for one another, and for all people, just as we also do for you; so that He may establish your hearts without blame in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints" (1 Thessalonians 3:11-13). Don't hear me wrong: I enjoy the different scenery and truly appreciate memorials, but the ultimate joy is the time with the people.

Katie, your birthday party is tomorrow. You are beyond excited, and I can understand why, but this morning I tried to talk to you about Philippians 2:4, "(D)o not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others." There is an obvious trend in our culture that reveals birthdays, especially for kids, are all about "me" and "my presents" (the same is true for weddings as "the bride's day"). I tried to communicate to you that in order to be like Jesus tomorrow (Phillipians 2:5), you should desire that all of the children that come have as much or more fun than you, and that you should be willing to give all of your gifts away to each friend that comes.

Tonight, I plan on sharing during family worship that Jesus didn't give gifts for the well-being of His "friends," He gave Himself! (Philippians 2:6-8). "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13). Katie and Luke, turn from your sins and put your faith in this eternal-life giving Savior who died for sinners and rose again, and then "Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 2:5).

With Ever-Deepening Love for You,

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sickness, etc.

Dear Kids,

As I sit here typing on Mr. Eppler's laptop, the two of you are asleep and so is Mommy, and each of you are sick. Mom's illness just started today (sore throat, aches, stomach issues), but your issues started earlier this week. Each of you have had a fever, then an ear infection and pink eye, and now hives as a reaction from the medicine you were taking! Luke, you asked me tonight when I was about to pray with you before bed, "Daddy, will you pray that the itchies on my legs would go away?" I did, of course.

I made a banana smoothie tonight for the first time, but I think I really made a mistake by using organic bananas! The flavor was below average, to say the least.

Mr. Elliff and his sons (Bryan & Benjamin) just arrived in South Africa on Tuesday for three weeks of ministry, but getting there wasn't easy. Benjamin had thrown up before they even boarded the first plane, and Mr. Elliff and Bryan are not feeling good, so I have heard. It seems strange for a stomach flu to be going around in July, but it apparently is as Mr. Wingerd had it recently as well.

I went to the dentist yesterday for a regular cleaning, and told him that I have been experiencing a sore left side of my jaw. He diagnosed me with something common called "TMJ" for short. The dentist, Dr. Evers, said it's almost certainly caused by grinding my teeth at night (causing my jaw to "click" and hurt). Why do I grind my teeth at night? He said it's probably stressed induced. That's interesting, because I don't really feel that stressed out. There's this tiny little fitted piece that goes over a person's two front teeth, to be worn at night, that eliminates the grinding. I think I'll be getting one next week because if I don't, my TMJ could eventually lead to bad headaches among other problems. I'm having to eat and yawn very carefully right now. I think that's why I made an attempt at blending a smoothie tonight.

I'll be going to Oklahoma City next month to Northwest Bible Church to teach a "Childhood Conversion: How Children Come to Faith in Christ" seminar and preach for them on Sunday morning. I've been in contact this evening with a gentleman in a church in Las Vegas about doing something similar. I'm looking forward to the day when I can take one of you, but Mr. Woodward will be going with me to Oklahoma.

Christ Fellowship's new website went up today. I amd still finding it hard to believe that we are here and that I'm getting to serve with such quality men, and that I'm getting to lead such godly people. The grace of God, kids, the grace of God.

Sweet Dreams,

Monday, June 11, 2007

My Testimony, and the Day Your Great-Grandfather was Saved

June 11, 2007

Dear Katie & Luke:

What follows is the testimony I shared as part of joining Christ Fellowship of Kansas City a few weeks ago. Also, today is a significant day because this is Granddad McGuire's birthday--He used to always say of the date of his birthday, "It's June 11, and don't forget it!" I haven't forgotten it. I remember sitting in Granddad's living room once and asking him if he was a follower of Jesus Christ. He told me that the Lord didn't actually save him until one day late in his life when he was walking out to feed the dogs (undoubtedly white German Shepherds!), and having heard the Gospel numerous times in his life, all of the sudden it made sense that he was a terrible sinner in need of a Savior. He said that on that day, for the first time in his life, he truly began to repent and rest all of his hope for forgivness of sins in the crucified and resurrected Christ. Grandma McGuire then said, "He's been a different man ever since." Both are now with Jesus.

Here's what I shared a few Sundays ago-

Terrible and Wonderful Truths: The Sovereign Grace of God in my Life
by Steve Burchett

When Jesus Christ died approximately 2000 years ago, He was crucified on a cross as a substitute for sinners “from every tribe and tongue and people and nation” (Revelation 5:9), bearing the wrath of the Holy God for all who would ever turn from their sins and trust in Him. Some seek to deny this good news, but Jesus did accomplish the redemption of His people because God raised His Son from the dead three days after He was crucified. Christ’s resurrection proves that He is the Son of God and Lord of all, and it reveals God’s pleasure in His Son’s sacrifice in the place of sinners—Indeed, the penalty for sin has been paid for all who will, by the grace of God, trust in Jesus Christ as the crucified and resurrected Savior of sinners. I am confident that Christ suffered God’s wrath for me on the cross. What follows is a brief account of the sovereign grace of God in my life.
It was my freshman year in high school, and I didn’t know what to expect as my sister, a senior, gave me a ride to our school for an early Thursday morning meeting of a group of students known as the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Little did I know that, for the first time, I would soon be reading about the greatest truths in the world. The leader of this group was a large man—6’10”!—and I was a bit intimidated in his presence. Everybody called him “Coach” or “Coach Schroeder” because, obviously, he was a basketball coach at the school. However, he was more than just a basketball coach; he was a faithful witness to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Although my memory of those Thursday morning meetings is not perfectly clear, I do remember that Coach Schroeder taught through various passages of Romans. I’m not exactly sure what he taught, but here’s how the Lord used his teaching: I began reading the Bible at home for myself, and specifically I read and thought about the opening chapters of Romans. I can remember reading Romans 1, 2, and the first part of chapter three, and thinking, “This is terrible!” It wasn’t that I thought that what the Bible said in Romans was “terrible” in the sense of “wrong,” I was coming to the realization that I was terrible! Listen to Romans 3:9-10, “What then? Are we better than they? Not at all; for we have already charged that both Jews and Greeks are all under sin; as it is written, ‘There is none righteous, not even one.’” Over a period of a few months, the Lord was convicting me of my sinfulness; I was beginning to realize that I had sinned against the One true God, the God of Scripture, and my sinful attitudes and words and actions numbered in the thousands, even at the young age of 14. God was graciously revealing to me that I had failed to live for Him, that I had rejected His rule in my life, that I was simply a rebel against God which made me His enemy (Romans 5:10), and therefore I became keenly aware that I deserved God’s eternal condemnation (Romans 3:5-6, 8).
But then God revealed something to me in His Word that, literally, changed my life. He gave me an understanding of and a delight for the truth of Romans 3:23-26, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus; whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation in His blood through faith.” Just as I read the first part of Romans and remember thinking, “This is terrible!” (meaning, “I am a terrible sinner!”), I remember reading this passage over and over and thinking, “This is wonderful!”, meaning, “Jesus is a wonderful Savior!” Jesus died for sinners on a bloody cross! He came into the world to save sinners (1 Timothy 1:15), and He did accomplish their redemption because He arose (Matthew 28:6; First Corinthians 15:20)! There is a way to avoid the judgment of God, and it is through faith in Christ alone!
These terrible and wonderful truths filled my mind for several months of my freshman year in high school. I specifically remember a time in January of 1991 when I was all alone in my bedroom, and the tragedy of my sin and the pending judgment I would face apart from Christ brought me to uncontrollable tears. What could I do but simply look away from myself to Christ and rest in His finished work on the cross for me? I needed to be clothed in Christ’s righteousness, or I would perish. I remember collapsing to my knees and crying out for God’s mercy. Looking back, I now know that God had given me a new heart, He had granted me faith, the Father was drawing me to His Son, and I became a life-long repenter and believer.
I mention that I became a life-long repenter and believer intentionally, because Scripture teaches that when God saves a sinner, He not only makes the sinner a new creation (Second Corinthians 5:17), but He begins a work of making the saved sinner more and more like Jesus (Romans 8:29). Everything God does, he does well. As a young Christian, I remember learning Philippians 1:6, “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Not only is this a promise that all who are in Christ can never be lost, but it is a guarantee that all whom God has saved will strive for holiness to the end, working out their salvation “with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in (them), both to will and to work for His good pleasure” (Philippians 1:12-13). Not only do I find assurance of my salvation in the fact that at as a freshman in high school I began trusting in and following Christ, but I find much assurance in the fact that I am still trusting in and following Christ. In fact, as the years pass by, I increasingly desire to obey the Lord. And when I disobey, I am guilty and truly sad, and that sorrow leads to repentance. Put simply, God has truly begun a good work in me and is bringing it to completion.
Jesus said in John 10:27, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” I praise God that I am numbered among the flock of Christ, the Good Shepherd. I praise the Lord that in His sovereign mercy He gave me ears to hear Christ calling me to Himself. I thank God for giving me the grace to regularly deny myself and take up my cross and follow Christ. I rejoice that God continues to make the cross of Christ increasingly precious to me. I’m encouraged to see that my struggle to love “all the church,” even those who are a bit annoying, is less of a challenge for me now than early in my walk with Christ. I’m shocked that a sinner like me would love to hear the Bible preached, even sermons that confront the remaining sin in my life. I’m humbled that the Holy Spirit testifies with my spirit that I am a child of God. I’m ashamed that I spent the first fourteen years of my life rebelling against God, and I’m especially saddened that I have sinned countless times since my conversion, but I am confident that in Christ, I am a forgiven man. The truth that I am forgiven in Christ doesn’t make me want to “sin all the more,” it makes me want to lose my life for Christ’s sake and the Gospel’s, and thus save it (as Jesus put it in Mark 8:35). “Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all” (Isaac Watts, “When I Survey the Wondrous cross”).
I was privileged to profess publicly my faith in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ when I was baptized in a little church in Ohio in 1997. To any who are reading this brief story of the sovereign grace of God in my life, I plead with you to renounce your sin and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. In the words of the hymn writer, “Come, ye weary, heavy laden, Lost and ruined by the fall; If you tarry till you’re better, You will never come at all.” Come to Christ, and then publicly declare your faith in and commitment to Christ by being baptized, and covenant together with a local body of believers. The local church is essential for all Christians because we need pastors to care for our souls through the ministry of the Bible and prayer, and we need other believers in our lives who will pray for us, strengthen us, challenge us to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, and even love us so much that they will call us to repentance if we ever fall into rebellion against the Lord.

“Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Praying for You,

Thursday, May 10, 2007


May 10, 2007

Dear Katie and Luke:

Kansas City is now our home. We headed out a few weeks ago, your grandfather drove like a champ the huge truck with most of our belongings (with Grandma in the passenger seat), your mother and I followed with you in the mini-van, and now we are living in Kearney, Missouri, in temporary living quarters. At first everything seemed surreal, and there was honestly a time or two when I found myself thinking, "Oh boy, what have we just done," but God is good and His will is perfect and pleasing--We are exactly where He has called us to be.

Katie, you are thoroughly enjoying all of your new friends, and the other day you caught your first fish in the pond in the back of where we are living--it was a large-mouth bass, but you told me that evening, "Dad, I caught a big-mouth bass." We had a good laugh about that one.

Luke, you, also, are thrilled to have new friends, but I honestly think you would be content if we gave you a new ball every day! You are particularly loving the outdoor environment of our new home, and I rejoice to see you learning Bible verses every Sunday night.

I've been privileged to preach two times already, and I'll be preaching and teaching numerous times over these next several months. Your mother and I are scheduled to become members of Christ Fellowship this Sunday (perhaps I'll write to you soon and include my testimony). Every Tuesday evening, I spend several hours with the elders (they are specifically working on a paper/book on divorce and remarriage), and I'm also becoming well acquainted with the offices and interworkings of Christian Communicators Worldwide. We are hopeful that the Lord will open up doors around the country for me to teach the Childhood Conversion seminar, or even other preaching opportunities.

The Lord has provided for our every need. He never fails His people. "Now to our God and Father be the glory forever and ever. Amen." (Philippians 4:20)

And Amen,

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Next Stop: KC

April 12, 2007

Dear Kids,

Next Thursday at this time, the big yellow truck should be in front of our home and several young men with strong backs (plus your father) will be loading it up for the move out to Kansas City, Missouri. Mommy and I were just out there this past weekend. I taught the teens (and a few others) of our new church at a retreat that took place on Friday night and Saturday morning. I taught through 1 Timothy 1:12-17, Mark 9:43-48, and Jude 24-25--the theme was "When God's Grace Happens to Bad People." I don't often say this about events like this that I've been privileged to participate in, but I don't think the retreat could have gone much better (other than the constant need for your daddy to be a better teacher!). The young people nearly sang the roof off of the house, and they were quite engaged during the teaching times. I'm praying for long-term fruit.

This past Sunday, I had the privilege of preaching for the people who make up Christ Fellowship of Kansas City. The meeting started with a pancake breakfast which looked so good, but I didn't eat much (I rarely eat much before I preach, as you probably know by now). Then the gathering began with some of the teens and children singing. Eventually, the entire church was singing praises to our risen Lord. When I got up before the people to preach (Mark 16:1-8, especially verses 6-8), I mentioned that I was particularly emotional that morning, and I told them I thought it was for two reasons: (1) Retreats are tiring, and tired people are often emotional! (2) The Truth we sang together was quite moving! I was especially helped to delight in the redeeming work of Christ by singing "In Christ Alone" by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend.

While in Kansas City, your mother and I stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Eppler. What a gracious, Christ-loving, welcoming couple! We will be staying in their apartment for a little while once we get out to Missouri. They see our use of their apartment as an answer to prayer. We also spent many hours with Mr. and Mrs. Elliff. It was a year ago this past weekend that Mr. Elliff came out to Athens to preach. We have really grown to love the entire Elliff family. Time with the Elliff's always includes Godward discussion and many laughs (often at my expense!).

While Mommy and I were away, you stayed with Granddad and Grandma. You were waiting for us at the baggage claim at the airport, and what a reunion to grasp both of you in my arms (this time it was Luke first, then Katie)! That feeling is simply indescribable.

God is So Good,

Thursday, March 15, 2007

March Gladness

March 15, 2007

Dear Katie & Luke:

You surely will know what I'm about to say by the time you read this letter, but here it is: I really enjoy basketball. I can remember as a boy riding my bike to the playground at the old school building in Morral (where Grandma B. used to teach) and playing basketball with the guys for literally hours upon hours. I guess all of that practice paid off because I was evantually able to "school" Pastor B.J. in seminary.

Today the NCAA men's basketball tournament starts, and your mother and I like to fill out a bracket and compete with each other to see who does better. I keep up with college basketball a bit, she does not, yet she very well may do better than me (that really hurts to admit!).

Katie, we went to see an Ohio University men's basketball game this year. They had "turn back the clock" day and tickets were only something like 25 cents (normally $10 for the nose bleed section!!!). We had a great time together, and you especially enjoyed the half-time show--a lady on a unicycle spinning plates. This evening, I'm going with Mr. McKinney to a couple of high school games, but you wouldn't want to come because I'm confident there won't be a half-time show!

Did you know I was the varsity coach of a boy's high school basketball team for a year at a Christian School in Jackson, Tennessee? That was an experience! I had a neat group of young men, but was surprised at the zeal of some of the parents ("zeal" is a kind way of saying, "ridiculous behavior").

Frankly, I'm glad I have a new team: Starting at guard, a 43" sharp-shooter from Guysville, Ohio, Katie "Babes" Burchett, and starting at the power forward position, weighing in at 30 pounds (?) and also from Guysville, Ohio, Luke "The Tank" Burchett.

With Love (& Go Bucks!),

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Freezing Rain

February 13, 2007
Dear Katie and Luke:
My writing has slowed a bit of late, but my love for you grows stronger every day. Because of the freezing rain, I stayed home for the morning and worked upstairs. Luke, you don't quite understand why you can't just come upstairs and see Daddy anytime you want, but all was well when I came down, had lunch, and tickled you silly before I came into town.
In the morning hours, I worked on Sunday morning's sermon--Mark 9:43-50. I already preached a sermon on this passage this past Sunday, but I just can't leave it behind. I'm quite confident that the Lord has more things to teach me from this passage, and hopefully those who will hear me preach it again. It is a sobering passage where the Lord Jesus speaks about the necessity of amputating sin, or else spend eternity in Hell. And Jesus is not denying in that passage the doctrine of justification by faith alone. He’s talking about the sanctification that inevitably results in the one who has been justified; He’s talking about the pursuit of holiness that will characterize every person who is truly His follower, and the eternal consequences for lacking this seriousness in your life.
This afternoon I'm meeting with a dear pastor friend of mine named Chris Stewart, and maybe another leader in their church. Katie, I was watching you at gymnastics one night, and I looked up and saw this gentleman (Chris) reading R.C. Sproul's Chosen By God, and I thought, "Now there's a guy with whom I can have fellowship!" and the rest is history. Chris is the main preaching elder for Oasis Fellowship which currently meets in home groups during the week and at a middle school in Pomeroy, Ohio on Sunday mornings. Oasis is a God-centered, Scripture-loving, Christ-exalting, Spirit-led church that the Lord is blessing and I'm privileged to have a growing friendship with Chris. In fact, next Wednesday, I'll be leading a group from their church through the Childhood Conversion seminar that I am now doing in partnership with Mr. Elliff and Christian Communicators Worldwide, and then the following Sunday Chris has invited me to preach for Oasis. The providence of God is sweet, isn't it?!
Speaking of the seminar, I've now taught two (West Union and Portsmouth, Ohio), and both times have been thoroughly enjoyable. There is a joy in doing the will of God that is unmistakable, and I have felt that when doing this seminar. I'm not sure who said that the Lord has been better to us than we deserve, but that individual knew what he was talking about. Indeed, having you as my kids is yet another proof of that statement!
Looking Forward to Baking Valentine's Day Cookies With You Tonight,

Monday, January 01, 2007

Grace Alone: A Parent's Hope

My little girl is well into four,
An age when some profess they believed.
At the throne of grace I often implore,
“Early, Lord, from sin set her free.”

Patiently I must wait on the Lord,
For He Alone opens blind eyes.
Consistently I must proclaim the Word,
Praying the Spirit will not pass her by.

And if He comes working conviction,
Her sin, future judgment, and Christ’s beauty she will know.
Then comes God’s sovereign work of regeneration,
Resulting in repentance, faith, and obedience she will never disown.

Some in a prayer or a movement rely,
Yet these are just contrived works of our own.
What is needed is enduring trust in Christ,
And this is a gift of God’s grace alone.

(Inspired by John 1:12-13; 6:37, 44-45; 10:27; 16:7-11; 17:3)