March 15, 2007
Dear Katie & Luke:
You surely will know what I'm about to say by the time you read this letter, but here it is: I really enjoy basketball. I can remember as a boy riding my bike to the playground at the old school building in Morral (where Grandma B. used to teach) and playing basketball with the guys for literally hours upon hours. I guess all of that practice paid off because I was evantually able to "school" Pastor B.J. in seminary.
Today the NCAA men's basketball tournament starts, and your mother and I like to fill out a bracket and compete with each other to see who does better. I keep up with college basketball a bit, she does not, yet she very well may do better than me (that really hurts to admit!).
Katie, we went to see an Ohio University men's basketball game this year. They had "turn back the clock" day and tickets were only something like 25 cents (normally $10 for the nose bleed section!!!). We had a great time together, and you especially enjoyed the half-time show--a lady on a unicycle spinning plates. This evening, I'm going with Mr. McKinney to a couple of high school games, but you wouldn't want to come because I'm confident there won't be a half-time show!
Did you know I was the varsity coach of a boy's high school basketball team for a year at a Christian School in Jackson, Tennessee? That was an experience! I had a neat group of young men, but was surprised at the zeal of some of the parents ("zeal" is a kind way of saying, "ridiculous behavior").
Frankly, I'm glad I have a new team: Starting at guard, a 43" sharp-shooter from Guysville, Ohio, Katie "Babes" Burchett, and starting at the power forward position, weighing in at 30 pounds (?) and also from Guysville, Ohio, Luke "The Tank" Burchett.
With Love (& Go Bucks!),