March 17, 2008
Dear Kids:
At our weekly elders' meetings, we have begun considering Scripture's teaching about what is often called in the present day a "call to the ministry." This peculiar phrase has found its way into the lingo of the church, but what does the Bible actually teach about this concept? We hope to find out, and then somehow share our findings so that others might benefit.
I don't have much to say about our study yet, but we paused tonight and each of us spent some time talking about how we ended up as pastors. As I was thinking about what God used in giving me the desire to serve as a pastor, I remembered something that I hadn't thought about for many years. When I was 19 or so, somebody gave me a book by John MacArthur titled Different By Design (now titled Divine Design), which is about Scripture's teaching on male and female roles in the home and church. I think I remember the Lord using that book in a couple of ways:
- I was intrigued by MacArthur's carefulness with the Bible. I found myself thinking, "I think I would enjoy teaching the Bible. If I do, I want to understand and teach the Bible the way this guy does."
- I was confronted, from all of the Scripture MacArthur referenced, with the idea that God has a design for men and women in the home and in the church. I really enjoyed learning this about God, that He was a God of order, and I found myself wanting to participate in His design. This might have been a seed planted that would eventually grow into an aspiration for "the office of overseer" (1 Timothy 3:1).
So, along with countless others who have been impacted by John MacAruthr's preaching and writings (and there are thousands of us!), I give thanks to the Lord for this faithful preacher, and I would encourage you to consider his works for yourself.
Grace to You,Daddy