April 22, 2008
Dear Kids:
I thought you might be interested to know what's been happening lately, and what is on the horizon, for Daddy.
First, I'm preaching through Titus. We just finished chapter 1 this past week.
Second, I recently wrote an article for the bulletin inserts website titled "When Your Preacher is Not John Piper," and I'm just finishing up one for May (to be edited this week by the CCW team) titled, "When Your Chuch is Not Capitol Hill Baptist."
Third, we raked leaves together in the back yard last night. Katie, you lasted about 25 minutes, then it was time to go in and play Sorry with Mom. After you were in bed, she told me that she finally beat you. Luke, you stuck it out with Daddy outside until you had to go in to take a shower.
Fourth, I'm getting ready to head to Georgia for a few days (Katie, you're coming with me!). I'll be preaching and teaching numerous times. Chris Vinson is the preaching pastor at this church. Your mother and I were good friends with Chris and Jessica Vinson during seminary.
Fifth, we've got some serious construction and remodeling going on at our house. The master bedroom shower was finally fixed today, we think (a terrible leak). The basement is progressing steadily.
Sixth, your mom and I are working together on a letter to send to people who support us prayerfully and financially. It's about finished.
Seventh, I've got an elders' meeting tonight at 6 pm. We will eat together at Planet Sub, and then we'll go over to Borders for the rest of our meeting. I won't be home until about 10.
Eighth, we are all watching Mommy's belly grow, looking forward to the final week of June!
Ninth, I'm just about finished reading R.C. Sproul's little book titled The Truth of the Cross. Excellent! Humbling.
Tenth, I'm wondering where I'm going to fit in time to mow the lawn every week(?!). Most of me doesn't want you, Luke, to get older too quickly... But then I look at that lawn.