Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sickness, etc.

Dear Kids,

As I sit here typing on Mr. Eppler's laptop, the two of you are asleep and so is Mommy, and each of you are sick. Mom's illness just started today (sore throat, aches, stomach issues), but your issues started earlier this week. Each of you have had a fever, then an ear infection and pink eye, and now hives as a reaction from the medicine you were taking! Luke, you asked me tonight when I was about to pray with you before bed, "Daddy, will you pray that the itchies on my legs would go away?" I did, of course.

I made a banana smoothie tonight for the first time, but I think I really made a mistake by using organic bananas! The flavor was below average, to say the least.

Mr. Elliff and his sons (Bryan & Benjamin) just arrived in South Africa on Tuesday for three weeks of ministry, but getting there wasn't easy. Benjamin had thrown up before they even boarded the first plane, and Mr. Elliff and Bryan are not feeling good, so I have heard. It seems strange for a stomach flu to be going around in July, but it apparently is as Mr. Wingerd had it recently as well.

I went to the dentist yesterday for a regular cleaning, and told him that I have been experiencing a sore left side of my jaw. He diagnosed me with something common called "TMJ" for short. The dentist, Dr. Evers, said it's almost certainly caused by grinding my teeth at night (causing my jaw to "click" and hurt). Why do I grind my teeth at night? He said it's probably stressed induced. That's interesting, because I don't really feel that stressed out. There's this tiny little fitted piece that goes over a person's two front teeth, to be worn at night, that eliminates the grinding. I think I'll be getting one next week because if I don't, my TMJ could eventually lead to bad headaches among other problems. I'm having to eat and yawn very carefully right now. I think that's why I made an attempt at blending a smoothie tonight.

I'll be going to Oklahoma City next month to Northwest Bible Church to teach a "Childhood Conversion: How Children Come to Faith in Christ" seminar and preach for them on Sunday morning. I've been in contact this evening with a gentleman in a church in Las Vegas about doing something similar. I'm looking forward to the day when I can take one of you, but Mr. Woodward will be going with me to Oklahoma.

Christ Fellowship's new website went up today. I amd still finding it hard to believe that we are here and that I'm getting to serve with such quality men, and that I'm getting to lead such godly people. The grace of God, kids, the grace of God.

Sweet Dreams,

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