Dear Children,
On a few occassions, I have had the opportunity to counsel individuals who are contemplating giving up on Christ and Christianity thinking "maybe I only believe this because that's what my parents believe, and if I would have been born into a family of a different 'religious' persuasion, perhaps that's the way I would have gone," almost as if it is a burden having parents that believe in the exclusivity of Jesus Christ as the only way of salvation. In those situations, after being as sure as possible that the individual's parents are true believers in the Biblical Gospel, I then try to point the distressed individual to the loving grace of God, that though he in fact could have been born into a family that hates Christ, he was born into a family that loves Christ, and how that is clear-cut evidence of the grace of God at work in his life.
"How so," the individual normally asks.
"Because you have been born into a family that, by the grace of God, knows that Jesus Christ is the only way to God."
"How do you know He's the only way to God?"
"Because Jesus said so Himself in John 14:6, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.' To say such a thing, he was either a crazy man telling lies, or He is indeed Lord and therefore the Son of God who came from heaven, became man (while remaining God), lived a life of perfect obedience to God's law, and became a worthy substitute for sinners on the cross, bearing their sins and facing the fury of a sin-hating God for all who would ever repent and believe in Christ."
I continue by saying something like this, "So the way I see it, you have been born to parents whom God has been pleased to open their minds and hearts to see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ! Don't turn your back on such undeserved grace! God, in His immense mercy, has saved your parents (or mom, or dad, or guardian, etc.). Sure, God could have witheld His mercy from them, and you could have been born into a family that has no care for Christ or His church, but consider what God has done for you in putting you into such a family, as imperfect as they are, yet saved by grace. You've heard the Gospel from them, you've heard that the crucified and resurected Jesus is the only means of forgiveness and reconciliation with your Creator, so think of it this way: What a wonder that God has provided a home for you in which that is believed and taught! You should not despise your parents beliefs. Instead, give thanks to God for His massive grace in saving them and revealing Himself through them, and then consider the claims and cross of Christ, and turn from your sins today and follow Him."
Kids, your mother and I are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. You know this by now, but maybe you wonder 'why'? Was it ultimately because we believed in Christ? Well, we are 'believers,' but the reason we are 'believers' is because God first loved us and called us by His grace (Gal. 1:16). It was an effective, saving call, thanks be to God! As you look back on your childhood, and all of the Truth that we have sought to teach you, I hope you will remember at least a couple of things: Mom and Dad were sinners (that one should be easy!), and Mom and Dad loved this Savior named Jesus whom they said was there only hope of salvation from their sins...
I hear you asking, "Where are you going with this, Dad?" Here: If you ever begin to think that perhaps you believe the way we believe because that's all you've ever heard, and you start to doubt Christ is the real deal, then remember that God has been gracious in giving you parents who have been the recipients of His undeserved riches in Christ. Then what? Consider the claims of Christ yourself and contemplate the cross of Christ and seek the Lord while He may be found, and don't turn your back on God's grace in Christ, but turn to God in repentance and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Of course, don't believe it just because we believe it--believe in the Gospel because it is true!
And please hear me clearly: It's not that you've been born to great parents (although, in my estimation, you do have a great mother!), but you've been born to parents with a great and merciful God Who has withheld His wrath against them because their sins were on Christ at the cross and His righteousness was credited to them when they turned from their sinful selves and trusted in Christ alone for salvation. God has been gracious to your mother and me in saving us, God has been gracious to you because you get to see and experience desperate, pathetic, unworthy sinners saved by grace through faith in the One who is "the way, and the truth, and the life," and God will be merciful to you if you will rest in Christ alone for salvation.
Put simply, salvation, and all of the circumstances surrounding the rescue of a sinner, is a sovereign work of God, and in His sovereignty and mercy you are the kids of sinful people saved by grace. If you are yet to count the cost and follow Christ, don't turn your back on such undeserved grace! God is the holy Creator, we are rotten sinners, but Christ is a glorious Savior. Call upon the Lord to save you, and He will. And if you are already a follower of Jesus Christ at the time you are reading this, then persevere in trust and repentance until the end!
I love you dearly, kids!
Because of Sovereign Grace,
1 comment:
After reading this I was again reminded of how sinful I am, and how gracious God is. Never would i appreciate and accept God`s gracious gift of salvation and eternal life, without understanding my state without God (sinful human). Even the fact that God made me understand this truth is the evidence of His love and grace.
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