Saturday, March 25, 2006

An Explanation

Dear Children,

I am quite uncertain at what age you will be reading this, but here is something that is absolutely certain: You are a gift from God to your mother and me, and we are blessed to have you in our quiver (Ps. 127:3-5). God has given you to us, so now we are responsible to give God to you. Of course, as you read this, you already know we have tried to do this, and how often we have failed... Nevertheless, by God's grace, we are seeking to bring you up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord, and we are praying to God that He would be pleased to make your hearts good soil for the seed of the Gospel (I hope by the time you are reading this, you are already bearing fruit in your life for God's glory, but if not, won't you turn from your sin and trust in Christ alone! Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. He died for sinners just like you. He is the resurrected Lord. Repent and Believe in Christ. Take up your cross and follow Him before it's too late.).

As I contemplate my God-given responsibilities as your father, I recognize that writing to you in a public forum does not rank too highly. My responsibilties to you are, of course, in the home and church through various means that I hope you are quite familiar with by now: family worship, corporate worship, scripture memory (thank your mother!), questions & answers (Katie, you know more sound theology at age 3 than I did at age 25--all "for God's glory"!), "Daddy Time", various teaching opportunities that occur in God's providence, showing you how a man is to love one woman, showing you and teaching you how to love God and neighbor, showing you how to love the bride of Christ, etc. (I know you're reading that and can remember far too many times that I have fallen short, and if there is any bitterness in you as you read this, would you please forgive me?)

So with those responsibilties already established, I began thinking how else I could sharpen you, and how I might be used to instruct you in the Lord even if I'm not alive anymore. Then, just the other day, I was thinking about a scenario that I can't even remember, but I do remember thinking to myself, "I hope to teach Luke the truth about this," and then I said, "Why don't I write him a letter," and then I said, "How about writing a blog to my kids in which I teach them and share with them biblical convictions I hope they embrace, and share with them stories from my life." Thus, Sharpening Arrows was born.

You might be wondering, "Why a blog and not just personal letters?" Good question. I wrestled with that one as well, and decided to do it this way for a few reasons.
1. I need help. Although I am writing to you, by letting others listen in, I am opening myself up to correction. Everything I write, apart from Scripture, is subject to correction (stop laughing and shaking your head in the affirmative!). I hope there will be old friends and new friends who will come along and help me out. Kids, we need to receive correction. "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice" (Proverbs 12:15).
2. I hope the Lord might use some of what I say to help other parents who might be reading what I write. As I type that, I'm tempted to delete it because I don't feel like I have much to offer, but I'll let it stand. "Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another" (Proverbs 27:17).
3. I'm praying that the Lord might use some of the content of these letters and the links provided at the blog (which are not there yet because your dad is clueless as to how to make that happen) to teach any non-Christians the Gospel, and that some, hearing that "in Christ God was reconciling the world to Himself" (2 Cor. 5:19), will come to Christ.

Obviously, my intention is not to write anything to you 'in public' that needs to be dealt with 'in private.' I simply want to teach and share. Sometimes, what I write will be pure teaching, other times I will share a personal story from my life (Katie, already at age 3 you are wondering, "What does daddy do all day 'at work'?"). Without a doubt, what I write will surely be boring to many, but that doesn't matter because I'm not writing to 'many,' but to you. I hope you are not bored! I love you, kids, and I pray that God's blessing will be upon my writing and your reading, or it will all be in vain (Ps. 127:1).

Sincerely Yours,


B.J. Maxwell said...

Does this blog come with Kleenexes? I'm afraid I'm going to need them for this one.

On behalf of my family: thank you, my brother.

Anonymous said...

This is such an encouragement for your prego sister-in-law to read now. As much as I am aware that the Lord is entrusting our new baby to Erik and me to raise in His presence, I am that scared that I will let this baby down.
Please pray with Erik and me about this. (Of course, all the "books" say that I'm supposed to be feeling inadequate as a mother right about now...)